Hi! I’m Courtney.

As the oldest of 10 (yes, you read that right!) I’ve always understood the need for organization in a busy household. Growing up, it was an absolute necessity.

My mother was always in need of systems to keep up with the cross currents of all her children, but would often get overwhelmed by where to start, which is where my love of organizing and decluttering began! As a way to support and show love to my family.

To this day, my parents still often ask me to bring order to different spaces whenever I visit!

Having lived in small or crowded spaces most of my life, I’ve had to regularly purge belongings and create adaptable systems that evolved with the changing needs of myself and those around me. Moving around a lot has taught me the heavy energetic and financial toll that holding onto unnecessary items and beliefs come with.

It was only by clearing a path through my own confusion and disorganization that I could find the serenity hidden in simplicity and intentionality.

After learning more about structural and energetic flow as a bar manager for many years, and most recently as a kundalini practitioner, I have found that the keys to unlocking creativity and spaciousness internally often lie in making changes to our physical environment first.

I love bringing clarity to chaos.

For me, it’s not just about tidying up—it’s about birthing systems that truly support your life.

My approach is holistic and individual, ensuring we work together to create a space that not only looks good, but feels supportive to your mission, your peace, and your inspiration.

If this speaks to you, then please reach out. I truly look forward to working together!

  1. Holding on to unnecessary items is just as wasteful as buying unnecessary items, and doing either costs us time and energy.

  2. Being organized and clutter-free does not mean you have to be a minimalist, and that optimization is always closer than chaos.

  3. Decluttering and organizing IS regenerative! It gives us more time and energy to be with the people we love and focus on the tasks that are most important to us individually.

  4. Every item in our home should have a place. If we don’t know where to put something, then it’s time for a change. 

  5. Our organized home does not have to look like Pinterest. But it should make us feel REALLY good.

  6. In order to declutter one’s space, we must find the root cause. When discover the cause, we set the stage for massive transformations.

  7. Everyone needs help sometimes, including and especially, me. There is no shame in asking for help.

  8. An organized lifestyle is something we learn and then cement with habits. We’re going to do this together!

Serene Systems Values